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  10 Nov 2021

How Parents Can Keep Their Children Safe Online

We cannot keep the kids of the digital age away from the digital elements. No matter how much effort you put to keep them away from modern gadgets they will find their way to it. So the best and effective way can be to guide them to stay safe in the digital world.
Parents are the ones who become role models for these kids. The way you interact with these gadgets will be copied by them. So it is the responsibility of every parent to become a good role model for the kids. But do you know how to keep your kids safe online? If not, you have to carefully note down some key factors or methods that are explained in this blog.

1. Talk to Your Child
The first and maybe the most important thing you need to do is to talk to your child. Make them feel comfortable and ask them about their experience in the online world. Once they feel free to talk they will share how are they utilizing the online platforms. They may pass some piece of knowledge that even you may not have heard of. If you find they are becoming influenced by a platform that won’t be useful for them you can make them understand the related problems of using it. So have regular conversations with your kid on the internet and its uses on a regular basis.

2. Help them on Social Media Platforms
It won’t be a surprise to know that your child has got an account on all social media platforms. He may even have more than one account which he might be hiding from you. The best thing you can do is to help them with social media. This is because when you introduce the features of each platform they feel guided and they might interact with you easily.

3. Know their Gaming Interests
Gaming is also an important aspect that keeps children engaged online. There are so many useful educational games that can help children learn. But unfortunately, kids are more attracted to games that show violent nature. There are so many cases reported regarding the reality of video games and screen addition problems. Try to change their gaming categories as there are several other genres in which they can find interest and are less harmful to their mental development.

4. Become their Role Models
Always remember that you are the role model for your child. Your child may be closely observing how much time you are spending time with your mobile phone and laptop. Eventually, without getting care and attention from his parents he too will develop a dependency on gadgets. So if that happens you only will be the sole reason for the cause. Be very conscious when you use your smart devices in front of your children. They learn how to use these gadgets from you and they spent time on it as you do. Follow good principles by yourself and then become role models.

5. How to Safeguard Privacy Online
Social Media and other online platforms are fun but often we forget to safeguard our personal details. We become so involved in it and go on revealing our day-to-day activities to the public. Teach your kids about the pricavy policies of each handles and the risks involved.

6. Observe their Screen time
Even though we have talked to them on how to use online platforms, it is recommended to note their screen time. Not just to track their activity but it also destroys their eyesight. Fix their screen times and make them understand that more than that can be harmful to their health.

7. Make Use of Parental Controls
Make use of the facilities available to control the activities of your kids on mobile devices. There are several content filters that can restrict children from accessing unwanted websites. You can set parental control on all your devices that are used by your kids.
You cannot and should not restrict your kids from making use of the advanced technologies available for them. As a parent, what you can do is guide them through the right way to practice these faciltiies.
Follow each of the points carefully by maintaining a good parent-child relationship. Make the online world a better space for learning and entertainment for both you and your kids.
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